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  • Weekly Bulletin -6 October 2023

    Weekly Bulletin - 6 October 2023

6 October 2023

Attendance and Absence Reporting

Apologies for sending out information you have already received, but please can we remind you of the new procedures if you are reporting your child's absence. The school had a new phone system installed during the summer and this means that any messages left on the former absence numbers cannot be accessed, which is why attendance will contact you if you have reported an absence on the old number: we are not able to listen to these messages any more and must therefore confirm the reasons for a student's absence. 
The procedures now are: if you need to report your child absent, please call 01376 556300 and follow the instructions.  Please note that we may return your call later in the day.

Firework Assembly

Year 7 assembly this week will focus on fireworks and safety, as we lead up to 5 November.

Student Council and Prefect Applications

Our first student council this academic year will be taking place this Thursday. Prefect applications are open to students in all years and students can apply via their tutors. Please do encourage your child to apply!

Year 11 Interventions in the Options Subjects

These are well underway and attendance at these has been very good so far. Please do encourage your child to attend if they have been asked to - if they do not attend regularly, the place could have been offered to someone else. The sessions are all focused on helping your child to achieve the best they can in the summer. Mrs Ketley will contact you if your child has not been attending, and also if they have, as they deserve praise for their efforts!