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  • Weekly Bulletin -28 June 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 28 June 2024

28 June 2024

Year 6-7 Transition

Year 6-7 Transition

We have greatly enjoyed welcoming our new students over the last two days, and it has been great to see them rise to the challenge and take part in activities with such enthusiasm. Our thanks particularly go to our Year 8 and Year 12 students who have helped the students throughout the days, shown so much pride in their school. We know they will be key friendly faces for Year 7 when they start in September having been welcomed warmly to the school.

Student Safety

Out and about in the community, there is a risk that students may lose or be deprived of their mobile phones. We have become aware that many students do not have any family or friend phone numbers memorised to call for help from a public phone or someone else's phone if they are in need of assistance out of school. We have attached a slide (with relevant links) that we have shared with students about this during the week. Over the weekend, we would encourage you to ensure that your child has memorised key numbers or has something with them at all times with numbers that they could call if they need to contact you urgently and their phone is not on them.

Great Dunmow Youth Band

Please do see the attached flyer advertising the Great Dunmow Youth Band, who are recruiting for members!

Uniform and Dress code

With next week's weather being forecast as considerably cooler than this week, students will be expected to be wearing full uniform on Monday as is outlined in our uniform policy. This includes their blazer and ties.  We will continue to review the weather daily and will make changes to the required uniform when it is felt appropriate to do so. We thank you for your continued support with this.

Braintree Families Hub and Free Uniform Event

Please see the attached leaflet for details of the Braintree Families Hub over the summer. Linked to this, there is a free Uniform Event to be held in Chelmsford on 31 July where families can access pre-loved uniform for free. Pre-booking is needed - you do not need to be in receipt of benefits to access the uniform. Please do forward this information to any families who may need this - you can also donate uniform.


Assembly this week has focused on bullying, banter and some responses to students about any worries they may have about reporting concerns to staff. The assembly was delivered to Years 7-9 and these messages will be shared with Year 10 next week, as their assembly did not take place due to Year 6 transition days. Please do discuss the messages with your child/ren if you are able to. 

Year 11 Group Photos - Late Orders

Please note that all late orders for Year 11 group photos have now been processed and are available for collection from our main reception. 
Year 11