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  • Weekly Bulletin -24 May 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 24 May 2024

24 May 2024

Attendance Matters

As a school, we analyse our attendance daily, and look closely at each student's attendance regularly to ensure that they are attending school the maximum amount that they can. This is because we know how significant the link is between students' regular attendance and their progress, wellbeing and sense of belonging. In looking at our data, we have noticed that there is a decline in students' attendance on a Friday if they are in Year 9 or 10. This is a decline of just over 1.5%, which may sound insignificant day-to-day but is not if we look at attendance over time. 20% of lessons take place on a Friday so educationally, this day is just as significant for learning as any other. We would welcome your support in ensuring no student is missing a day of education unnecessarily - 'it's Friday' can never be a reason for absence.

Conduct Card Congratulations

The Notley Way is a crucial part of our school ethos and the culture of our community.  In order to celebrate the students that do the right thing every day we have brought in a reward system linked to our Notley Conduct Cards.  Students who get a Conduct Card filled with positive signatures have been celebrated on a tiered system, focusing on those with no negative comments, those with positive signatures only and those with multiple positively filled Conduct Cards.

We are delighted to announce that 267 students (years 7 -10) have had all the positive signatures of their Conduct Card filled on at least one card!  They have shown an outstanding engagement with the Notley Way this half term.  Congratulations to you all! 
We look forward to another half-term of even greater engagement and commitment to the Notley Way.

SEND Notice

As previously mentioned in an earlier bulletins Mr Haddon is meeting with parents of students involved in learning support.  Year 9 students will be invited on June 13th throughout the day.  If you required a meeting and haven’t been invited, please contact Mr Haddon

In addition, we are offering a coffee morning – 10.10 to 11.30 on Thursday  6th June for parents  who have a student with Autism.  This is an opportunity to talk to other parents and share some successes or ask for help with similar issues.  Parents with a student known to the learning support department will receive an invite via email but if you haven’t received an invite but would be interested, again, please email Mr Haddon directly.

Local offer

Please be aware that Essex have a website that can help with what is available regarding students with SEND.

This is known as the Local Offer.  This can be a very useful website


We have had pleasing feedback from visitors to the school over the last half term, who have commented on improvements to smartness and presentation in students' appearance and uniform. Thank you for your ongoing support with this - we are committed to ensuring that students' uniform and dress reflects their best selves for learning and is as professional and suitable for a learning environment as it can be. As half term begins, we would ask now that if you are the parent of a child wearing false nails or eyelashes, that you take steps with your child to address this during the week off and that no false nails or eyelashes are worn by any students in Years 7-11 on the return to school after the break.