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  • Weekly Bulletin -10 November 2023

    Weekly Bulletin - 10 November 2023

10 November 2023

Careers Event, Thursday 23rd November, 4pm-6pm

If you are considering a role within a local school, you are warmly invited to this free information and networking event. You can meet staff from the 11 Trust schools and the central team and find out about the wide variety of roles available in our schools: 

Bridge Academy Trust is proud to work with Mid Essex ITT in training up the next generation of teachers. Applications are now open to start our training course in September 2024 and you can find out how to apply at this event or on our website: 

Refreshments will be provided for guests.

Book your free ticket here or see the flyer for more details.

Non Uniform Day

There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 17 November in aid of Children in Need. Further details will be sent out separately.

Subject choices for sixth form

Thank you to everyone that attended the sixth form open evening; the feedback has been extremely positive.

If when making your application you find that your choice of subjects do not fit our current option blocks, please email as there may be opportunity to accommodate some changes.


A reminder to all parents that only black jumpers are permitted in school. Students should not be wearing sports tops or hoodies in the school building. Thank you for your support in this.

Year 11 Mock Examinations

Exams begin on Monday and timetables have been sent to both home and students. At the teachers' discretion, students may have time to revise in timetabled lessons when they do not have an exam. Students will not be permitted to leave lessons to source revision materials so should ensure that they have plenty of revision materials with them in school.