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  • Tour de France - July 7th

    Tour de France - July 7th

Article Date: 13 June 2014

Article Date: 13 June 2014
You are probably aware that the Tour de France passes through Essex on 7 July 2014. We intend to mark this major sporting event in a number of ways within the school on the day and we will provide further details in due course.The route passes through Rayne at its closest point to Braintree and there is likely to be significant disruption to roads on and close to the route. I have considered a number of options for the day, including closing the school, and have concluded that the school will remain open as normal on the day. 

I would ask you to be aware of the likely disruption on the day, especially those who live close to the route. In particular, affected roads are likely to start closing from 7.30am. 

We are aware that the Rayne, Flagfinder's bus will not run on the day which will affect a number of students. However, the Rayne Wicks service number PM0002 will run on a slightly altered timetable.  Parents/carers have been advised of the altered timetable.

If you anticipate particular circumstances which will make it very difficult for your child to get to school on the day I would be grateful if you could alert your child’s form tutor as soon as possible. 

Yours faithfully 

Mr S Thompson 

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