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  • Sport Relief

    Sport Relief

Article Date: 18 March 2014

Article Date: 18 March 2014
This Friday (21st March) is Sport Relief. People all over the country will be raising money to help. In the UK money raised helps to give shelter to young people living on the streets and protection to those living with domestic abuse. Across the world money raised helps children into education, and provides communities with fresh water and life-saving vaccines.Throughout the week at Notley High and Braintree Sixth Form:

Name the teddy – students will be able to pay 50p to guess the name of the teddy – there is only one correct answer and the winner gets to keep the nice cuddly teddy! 

Guess the weight of the cake – pay £1 to guess the weight of the cake – the person that gets it right wins the whole cake! 

Sport Relief wristbands – these cost £1 and will be on sale during break/raft times throughout the week. 

Thursday – Staff in the stocks – throw wet sponges at your teachers!

Friday – Non uniform day – students can wear something sporty or just normal non uniform. They are allowed to have sport relief accessories on as well if they wish. 

Fun run – also on Friday at lunch time on the field – students and staff that want to run need to grab a sponsorship form off me and try and get sponsored to do the run. It is all a bit of fun but hopefully will help raise some much needed funds. 

Bake sale – always popular so we will be having another one on the Friday 21st March – break time outside the library.

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