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  • Race For Life Fundraising

    Race For Life Fundraising

Article Date: 09 May 2014

Article Date: 09 May 2014
"Hello everybody, 

I am sure you are all aware now that one of our Year 10 pupils (Olivia Coughlan), was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer, the week she turned 15.Olivia has a 30 week programme of some extremely lengthy chemo sessions and surgery ahead of her, despite which she and her family have shown real strength of character and determination, which I'm not sure many of us would be able to muster under the same circumstances. 

As well as making us all stop and think for a moment how lucky we are to have our health, it has inspired a group of us, to get up out of bed at the weekend and go for a run! We are going to complete the Race for Life at Hylands Park on Sunday 6 July. 
Olivia, is a very special friend to us all, she is being so brave and still has a smile on her face despite everything she is going through. She is thoroughly missed in school by her friends and staff. As her friends, we thought doing the Race For Life was the least we could do to show her how she is always in our thoughts and that support her through this tough journey. 

If you are able to make a donation it would be much appreciated and can be done via our safe and secure page:"", or you could give any donations to Lauren Fisher (10H), Verity Forster (9B), Kaitlyn Short (9B), Lilli Mullings (9N) or Mrs Forster (G45). 

Thanking you all in advance."

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