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  • Impact Day

    Impact Day

Article Date: 07 November 2013

Article Date: 07 November 2013

Impact Day took place for students in Years 7 to 11 at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form on Tuesday 5th November. 

Each year group participated in their own themed programme of events. A range of activities was organised by staff, including problem-solving tasks and healthy eating workshops. In addition, over fifty visitors provided specialist workshops, in fields as diverse as yoga, beauty therapy and construction. 

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or 'STEM' Ambassadors visited the school, promoting these interrelated disciplines to students in Year 10. Staff at Braintree Sixth Form also provided taster sessions for those students seeking to pursue A-Level or International Baccalaureate study at Key Stage Five. 

Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form would especially like to thank our colleagues at Colchester Institute and The College at Braintree for the sessions they provided to those Year 11 students who are interested in pursuing their students at college next year. 

A full report will be included in the next edition of the newsletter.

Mr Baster
Assistant Headteacher

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