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  • Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

    Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

Article Date: 15 March 2022

Article Date: 15 March 2022

Wow! What wonderful generosity we have seen from Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form students and our community so far in response to our collection for humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

Thanks so much to our volunteers who helped organise and pack up the donations this afternoon.

We will be taking over donations on the morning of Thursday 17 March, so if you still wish to give something, please bring it in by then.

Update 17 March 

Today, Thursday 17 March 2022, we packed up and delivered an enormous minibus-load of supplies of humanitarian aid for refugees from Ukraine.

Thank you so much to students and our wider community for all the kind and generous donations - we are aware of extra donations from church groups, friends and neighbours for students, and are very grateful to those who contributed.

We have also raised an additional £237 via parent/carer donations which will go to support the logistics of the charity's operation.

Thank you also to Mr Ellis's Year 8 tutor group and our sixth form volunteers for helping get everything packed and on the bus, and to Mr Wishart for driving it all over. All the support is very much appreciated!

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