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  • Handbook for Parents and Carers 2014-2015

    Handbook for Parents and Carers 2014-2015

Article Date: 30 June 2014

Article Date: 30 June 2014
The Handbook for Parents and Carers 2014 – 2015 has been distributed to parents/carers of students in Year 6 who will be joining us in September 2014.

The key changes to this year’s edition of the handbook are outlined as follows:-

Page 10

We have recently launched Show My Homework to parents/carers, an online tool that shows all of your child’s home learning tasks and deadlines for each piece of work.

Page 20

The dates for the school year 2014 – 2015.

Page 27

The revised timings of the school day.

Pages 30 and 31

Changes to the key staff in school.

Pages 34 and 35

An update on school governance.

Pages 46 and 47

The introduction of Confide – the school’s confidential reporting service which replaces SHARP – the School Help Advice Reporting Page.


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