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  • Can You Stomach It?

    Can You Stomach It?

Article Date: 21 November 2022

Article Date: 21 November 2022
The first staff House Competition happened this week and was our own Notley nod to this year's 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here'. Eight members of staff consumed nine stomach churning rounds.
Round one was a modest Spam smoothie with a crunchy cricket top. Round two, saw an entree of tinned snails, followed swiftly on with raw octopus and fermented cabbage. Other rounds included lumpfish eggs, pickled raw herring, locusts and meal worms.

For dessert, a crunchy cricket Angel slice, followed by snail slime wine. Students were left roaring with laughter, and staff were left retching with despair. Three Houses stood victorious! Winton, Parks and Turing. Congratulations to Mr Buttle, Miss Clifton-Ward and Mrs Cheung. The trio quite frankly didn't stop eating, and as lunch had drawn to a close so to did the House competition.

A huge thank you to everyone who came to support and especially to those that took part.  All money raised will be split between the three House charities.

Miss M Gladen
Assistant Headteacher

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